Do you ever feel unsure about your future? It’s like no matter what you do, task after task seems harder than ever, with little to no reward or light at the end of the tunnel. What if I told you it is because of your lack clarity and vision, would you agree? I've been there, jumping around across many jobs, thinking the corporate route would make me happy, then starting my business, but what I really needed was a vision. I quickly learned that if I wanted to change the trajectory of my life there is only one way to make that happen with ease, I NEEDED TO CREATE A VISION AND LIVE INTO IT EVERYDAY. I am going to walk you through a 3-Step process of how you can create a powerful vision that drives you to be more in a effortless, simple way.
What is a Vision?
When you create a mental picture of what your ideal dream is your creating a vision. It’s your optimal future state. It tells you what you want to achieve overtime. "To be clear, a vision is not a strategic plan. It articulates where you are going and the plan is how your going to get there" (inc.com).
Why do you need to Create a Vision?
Creating a vision creates hope, excitement, and most importantly, an idea of where you want to go. Without creating a vision for our lives and our business we are left with too general of an idea of where we want to go and little guidance on how to get there.
When Should You Begin Creating Your Vision?
Right now.
No time is better than the present, however you have to do a couple things first.
- Set aside 1-2 uninterrupted hours where you can really think about what you want to do and why.
- Get a pen and a piece of paper so you can do a brainstorm and look back on your ideas.
How I Help Others Create a Vision They Didn't Even Know They Wanted
I work with people all the time that just need someone to help pull their ideas out of them, to think bigger and expand their ideas of what is possible. Sometimes we don’t even know there is something we want until someone else asks us those pressing questions.
I am going to walk you through my process that I use with my clients so that you can create a vision that stands still in the long term, while also effortlessly working toward it each day.
“All things are created twice; first mentally; then physically. The key to creativity is to begin with the end in mind, with a vision and a blue print of the desired result.”
Stephen R. Covey, Writer of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
First, most people get wrapped in the practical and what they tangibly see. I help you become more emotionally in tune with your process and ideas. If you keep a practical mindset, you will stay small and dream small.
Your brain naturally wants you to be safe and stay away from risk. That flight or fight response.
So, in order to take your vision to a level that steps out of your comfort zone, sometimes you need someone to help you see what is actually possible and that you are 100% worth of achieving it with just a bit more dream and elbow grease.
The other thing is that creating these types of big ideas happens over time. It’s not just thought up and put on paper in 5 minutes. It takes ongoing intentional thinking and action, we're talking about your life and your business, not just what you need from the grocery store.
The goal is to ingrain this vision into your daily life so it comes simply and effortlessly.
Setting the Tone for Your Vision Creation Session
Before I get into my Three Step Process for Creating a Powerful Vision I gotta set the tone.
I always tell my clients to make sure that they have blocked out a solid 2 hours of uninterrupted working time where they can get introspective and plan on a good writing session.
PRO TIP: Have a mindset that this exercise should come easy, freely and effortlessly. Don’t think too hard, just write and put your thoughts on paper.
3 Step Process for Creating Your Vision
You want to have a vision that fits you and your dreams, you want a vision that gives you clarity so the first step is starting with you.
1. Getting Clear on You
The best way to know where you want to go and what you want your life to look like is to do a bit of introspective thought.
Ask yourself these questions to start:
- What are the values that you carry with you everyday? What are the beliefs that make you, well you?
- Name the top 5 most important things in your life?
- What can you not live without?
- Where do you picture yourself living in 5 or even 10 years?
- What are the 3 qualities you have that you are proud of?
- When you are in a bad mood, what is the one thing that cheers you up?
- What does the perfect day in 5 years look like for you from start to finish, list out the details? How does it feel, where are you, what does life look like?
- What is the one thing that you do that let's you be 100% yourself?
You may be wondering what some of these things have to do with your vision, but I challenge you to just give yourself the time to answer them truthfully. When you do this, you will feel liberated, you will feel good about yourself, and the things that mean the most to you.
2. Getting Clear on Your Business
Now that you have an idea of the things that make you happy, feel fulfilled and content, both now and in the future; let’s dive into the vision for your business.
Ask yourself these questions:
- What is it that you would love (not just like) to create for your business?
- What is the impact you want to make in the world.
- If you continued on the path you're on now, would you be truly happy?
- What is the one thing that you truly give a shit about in your business?
Now, Stop what you are doing,
Put the pen down and go with me for a second.
I have put together an audio vision meditation to help you dig deep into your soul and get clear on what you want. If your ready to take the next step and get clear on what your deepest vision is, I invite you to download this free meditation.