First, I'm not here to convince you to quit your job. This article was created to help you evaluate your options. If you are on the fence or ready to quit your job, then this 10-minute read will be your ultimate career guide to the questions you need answered.
Question 1: Are you happy in your job?
- Sometimes: proceed to Question 2.
- No: Define if it is the job itself or the company that you work for that is causing you unhappiness.
Try to pinpoint the exact reason for your discontent prior to making any rash decisions.
For example, maybe your discontent lies with a micromanaging boss or lack of growth opportunities at your company. Perhaps there has been a change in the way your department does things and although you like your job, you don't like the new policies.
Company environment, roles, and processes can play a big part in an employee's enjoyment of their position. If you enjoy your current position, but would like the variables to adjust then you're probably due for a job change. For a great guide on how to prep for a job search, click here.
Potential Career Change
If you have determined that you ultimately dislike your job itself, i.e.) your job function / expertise, then you need to ask yourself why are you still doing it.
The average person spends 40 hours a week working (this is in addition to their commute time). That equates to spending 1/3 of your life at WORK!
The point is, if we are to spend hours upon hours working at our day jobs, then we should be doing something that brings us joy.
Still not sure if you want to maintain your current career path? Ask yourself these questions:
- Are you doing it just for the money?
- Are you doing it just for the benefits?
- What about for the 401K or all of the above?
Career Change Objections
Sometimes people's objections will be that putting the energy into making a career change can be too much work, too expensive, require time that you don't have with no guarantee of a job at the end. Well, all of that may be true, however first consider this exercise.
Envisioning Exercise
Envision yourself on your 80th birthday. Think about what you will be thinking about. Envision where you will be. Think about what you will say about your career and your life.
The point is, we have all thought about when we turn 80 years old, and what we will be thinking to ourselves. When we look back on our lives will we be satisfied?
None of us want to live in regret, we all want to live happy and fulfilled lives. This leads me to the topic of passion and why it is so important to embrace it now.
Question 2: Are you PASSIONATE about your career?

Do you love what you do? Are you passionate about your career? Is your career fulfilling?
Why Passion? Having passion in your career creates confidence. When we are passionate about something, we naturally exude confidence and excitement for that particular thing.
Others will notice your passion and your energy will become contagious. Coworkers may take greater interest and will most definitely respect your drive and tenacity for what you do.
So, I ask again, are you passionate about your career?
If so great, then you are most likely working in the right field, just may need a change in position or company in order to ensure you are fulfilled.
If you are not passionate about your career as I described above, then there are some great opportunities ahead of you.

But I do not think I can make a living doing what I am passionate about
The question always is; How does one make a decent living doing what they love? The answer is that it will take hard work, but it is possible.
Wouldn't you rather work towards something that you enjoy doing then keep pursuing an endless career path that does not bring you fulfillment?
Why doesn't everyone work in their passion then?
Because, typically the job that you want is limited in supply and given this high skill threshold, there usually aren't many available.
Many will then choose the path to self-employment and create their own job and opportunities. Sometimes this can serve as an easier path with greater flexibility in the long run. It's just all about finding your niche.
What's the catch? No matter how much you love something, you will never love 100% of the job. So, how do we choose our path?
How do I decide what the best career path is for me?
There are two questions you need to answer for yourself first.
- Do you want to work for a company?
- Do you want to work for yourself?
Some people are built to work for a company and it is important for their stability. Others have the drive, ambition, and risk tolerance to build a business.
Do not worry, as it is okay to be one or the other, or to have both thoughts and capabilities. The important piece for you is to make a decision on which path you are looking to explore next.
So how does one find their passion and make a career out of it?
Define what you are good at and what you are not as well as what you enjoy doing. Ask yourself these questions:
- What are the favorite parts of your current position?
- What is the next level up from your current position, and do you want to perform those duties and tasks?
- If so, do you currently possess the knowledge to advance? If not, what would it take to get there?
- What have you always wanted to do for a career?
- Do you currently possess the knowledge to enter that field of what you have always wanted to do?
- If not, what knowledge would it take and are you willing to explore that education?
- Can you afford to spend the time and money to pursue this option?
- What portions of my job do you dislike doing?
- What portions of my job can you perform and time flies by?
- Do you work well at home? Can you focus without distraction?
- Do you need collaboration in a team environment?
- Does this environment need to be in a public setting or more solitary?
- Do you prefer direction or are you able to self-direct?
- Are you a self-starter?
- Do you feel that you are able to make the time to create a side-hustle while still working? What would this mean for your home life?
- Can you quit your job to start a side-hustle or do you need to keep working?
Now, that you have asked yourself these questions you should have a good start to brainstorming what you currently like, don't like, what you prefer to do and what you do not.
Take a closer look at question number 6. This activity you define in the question you are either passionate about this or are innately good at this task. Consider this a strength.
Based on your answers for questions three and four, you should have a good idea of what your ideal position would be.
Try to combine this with the traits and / or activities that you mentioned in question 6 and you have defined something you are passionate about as well as activities that suit your innate strengths.
After you have defined if you are a self-starter and if you feel confident that you would or would not be able to work independently, you can determine whether or not starting your own business in your passion is for you or not.
Pillars to Fulfillment in your Career
In order to ensure that you are fulfilled in your career you need to make certain that you are using certain pillars as your source of reference.
Below are the pillars you should base your career changes on to ensure your success and happiness. Choose work that:
- Align with your core values
- Makes you feel fulfilled
- Allows you to grow
- Makes you feel appreciated
- Supports you personally and financially
- Provides you with a sense of control over your time, finances and life outside of work.
- Makes you feel that you are a part of something larger
Next Steps
Now is never a good time, and tomorrow will not be either. So that said.... just start today.
I recommend taking some time to research the careers that interest you. Jot these learnings and notes down within a separate journal. Work to gather more information about these opportunities.
Do one thing that helps you get to your next path today, tomorrow and then the next.
Make each day a progression and you will see results.
Make a habit of writing these actions down, put them in your planner, your calendar or on your desk as a daily reminder.
Just remember, if your miserable in your current situation, you have the power to change it.

If you want more guidance, download my 6 Step Guide to Career Fulfillment. This career guide will provide you with the tools to align with your passion and give you more insight to what you are truly supposed to do.
These transitions require consistency, motivation and guidance. If you would like to have a call with me to talk through your next steps please send me a note at I would love to hear from you and talk through how I can help and more about what I do to get people to their next.